Surgical Services

Surgical Services

Vet Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ

When it comes to ensuring the health and well-being of your pet, surgery can often be the best option for addressing certain medical conditions. At Kaibab Animal Hospital, we understand the emotional and physical challenges that come with surgical procedures for pets and their owners. Our team of veterinary professionals is committed to providing compassionate, personalized care, tailoring each surgical and anesthetic plan to meet the unique needs of every patient. 

What is Veterinary Surgery?

Veterinary surgery encompasses a broad range of medical procedures performed to treat injuries, diseases, and other health conditions in animals. Both soft tissue surgeries and orthopedic surgeries address issues with your pets’ bones, joints, and ligaments. The scope of veterinary surgery also includes diagnostic procedures, such as punch, excisional, or incisional biopsies, and abdominal exploratory surgery, which help our veterinarians identify and treat underlying health problems.

Veterinary surgical care in Scottsdale, AZ
Cat surgery in Scottsdale, AZ

When is Vet Surgery Recommended?

Veterinary surgery is recommended for a variety of reasons, depending on the specific health needs of your pet. Routine surgeries, such as spaying, neutering, and oral surgery, are commonly performed to prevent health issues and improve overall well-being. Emergency surgeries, including foreign body removal from the stomach or intestines and trauma repair, are necessary when a pet faces a life-threatening condition or severe injury. Corrective surgeries, such as those for orthopedic repairs or brachycephalic surgery, address congenital or acquired structural problems that affect a pet’s ability to function normally. 

Cat surgery in Scottsdale, AZ

Surgical Veterinary Services at Kaibab Animal Hospital

At Kaibab Animal Hospital, we offer a comprehensive range of veterinary services to address the diverse health needs of your pets. We understand that every pet is unique, which is why we tailor each surgical and anesthetic plan to meet the specific needs of our patients. 

Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions related to your pet’s bones, joints, and ligaments. Whether your pet is suffering from a fracture, a torn ligament, or joint disease, our veterinary surgeons are equipped to perform various corrective procedures to restore mobility, reduce pain, and improve the overall quality of life for pets.

Brachycephalic Airway Surgery

Brachycephalic breeds, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers, often experience breathing difficulties due to their unique anatomical structures. Procedures such as stenotic nares resection and elongated soft palate resection can significantly improve your pet’s ability to breathe, reducing their risk of respiratory distress and enhancing their overall comfort and well-being.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our soft tissue surgery services encompass various procedures involving the internal organs, skin, and other soft tissues. From mass removals and abdominal explorations to biopsies and anal sacculectomies, soft tissue surgeries are essential for diagnosing and treating various conditions, ensuring your pet receives the necessary care to lead a healthy life.

Spays and Neuters

Spaying and neutering are routine yet essential surgeries that prevent unwanted litters and offer significant health benefits for pets. These procedures can reduce the risk of certain cancers, decrease, undesirable behaviors, and contribute to the overall well-being of your pet. At Kaibab Animal Hospital, we perform spays and neuters with utmost care, ensuring a safe and smooth recovery for your pet.

Discover Our Dedicated Team

Surgical Procedures at Kaibab Animal Hospital

  • Mass Removals: Removing tumors or growths to diagnose cancer, improve mobility, debulk masses and sometimes cure disease.
  • Abdominal Explorations: Investigating and addressing internal issues such as foreign bodies, masses, or urinary bladder stones.
  • CCL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament) Repairs: Restoring stability to the knee joint and improving mobility.
  • MPL (Medial Patellar Luxation) Repairs: Correcting kneecap dislocation to prevent pain and lameness.
  • FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy): Relieving pain from hip dysplasia or severe arthritis by removing the femoral head.
  • Oral Surgery and Tooth Extractions: Addressing severe dental disease or broken teeth to prevent infection and pain.
  • Biopsies: Obtaining tissue samples for diagnosing various cancers, auto immune skin conditions, calcinosis cutis, and other skin conditions.
  • Amputations (Toe/Digit, Limb, Tail): Removing damaged or diseased appendages to improve the pet’s quality of life.
  • Brachycephalic Airway Corrections: Enhancing breathing by correcting anatomical abnormalities in brachycephalic breeds.
  • PUs (Perineal Urethrostomy): Creating a new urinary opening to alleviate severe urinary tract issues.
  • Anal Sacculectomy: Removing anal glands to treat chronic infections or abscesses.
  • And More!: If your pet requires a specific surgery not listed here, please call us to discuss your pet’s unique situation. Our team is here to provide the best possible surgical care for your beloved pet.

Tips for a Successful Recovery

Ensuring a smooth and successful recovery for your pet after surgery is crucial for their health and well-being. It is important to be aware that it can take 24-48 hours for your pet to fully recover from anesthesia, so if they are not their normal self right away, this is perfectly normal. During this time, keep your pet calm and relaxed, minimizing their activity as per the doctor’s instructions. Prevent your pet from reaching their surgery site to avoid breaking sutures or causing an infection by licking or chewing at the area. Encourage them to eat and drink water to maintain hydration and support healing.

Pet Surgeon in Scottsdale, AZ

If your pet requires surgical intervention or you want to speak with a professional vet about your pet’s health, don’t hesitate to contact Kaibab Animal Hospital in Scottsdale, AZ. We are here to answer any questions and guide you through the process. Your pet’s health and happiness are our top priorities, and we look forward to being your partner in their care.

Dog surgery in Scottsdale, AZ